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Guest Speaker Series

Focus Surrey is known for the high calibre of its speakers who talk on a variety of autism related subjects. Some of our past talks have included topics such as Zones of Regulation, PROMPT Therapy, Teaching Self Help Skills, Alternative Augmentative Communication and Generalising ABA Skills at Home.

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Upcoming Talks

Recent Talks

Upcoming talks will be posted here soon.

Our recent talks have included:

April 2024 - Behaviour Analysis: Understanding Behaviour and Practical Applications, Patricia Guerrero BCBA
November 2023 - Eating and Autism, Carrie Caceres-Taguiang BCBA
February 2023 - How PROMPT therapy can support communication, Justine Rhind, SLT
October 2022 - Direct Instruction and Precision Teaching, Louise Begley BCBA
June 2022 - Alternative Augmentative Communication, Paschalis Terzidis, SLT
May 2022 - ADHD and Neurodiversity, Heather Greenaway and Lee O'Brien, OTs
October 2021 - Supporting Children with Routines and Repetitive Behaviours, Sarah Larner, BCBA
April 2021 - Living with sensory needs, Heather Greenaway, OT
November 2020 - Surviving the teenage years, Jane McCready, ABA4All Campaigner, UKSBA Board Member
November 2020 - ABA and SEN provision, June Goh, SOS!SEN helpline volunteer 
October 2019 - How SaLT and ABA can work together to develop communication, Bethan Mair Williams, BCBA, SLT
April 2019 - The difference between Tantrums and Sensory Meltdowns, Simone Smalberger, OT
March 2019 - Daily Living Skills, Amy Lewis BCaBA







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